Important Dynasties in Ancient India
Here are some important Important Dynasties in Ancient India names which are very popular and very important for competitive exams. These are some Important Dynasties in Ancient India.
The Haryanaka Dynasty (544-412 B.C.)
1) Bimbisara was the first ruler and founder of Haryanka dynasty, The capital of the kingdom was Rajagriha.
2) He strengthened his position by matrimonial alliances. He took three wives: daughter of the King Kosala, Challana and daugher of the chief of the Madra clan of Punjab.
3) Bimbisara was succeeded by his son Ajatasatru who killed his father and seized the throne for himself.
4) Bimbisara Send Jivaka to Ujjain for the tratment of King Pradyota, the king of Avanti.
5)He was contemporary to Lord Mahvira and Lord Buddha and a follower of Buddhism.
6) He built the fort upon the confluence of the Ganga and son at Patna.
* He shifted the capital from the Rajagriha to Pataliputra.
Shishunaga Dysnasty(412-344 B.C.)
* The last Haryanka ruler, Nagadasaka, was killed by his coutier Shishunaga in 412 B.C. who became the king and founded the Shishunaga Dynasty.
* The last ruler of Shishunaga dynasty was Nandivardhan.
Nanda Dynasty(344-412 B.C.)
* Mahapadmananda eshtablished the Nanda dynasty into a powervul empire.
* Last ruler of Nanda dynasty was Dhanananda. He was contemporary of Alexander
* The Nanda dynasty had a huge army consisting 2,00,000 infantry, 20,000 war chariots and 3,000 war elephants.
*Alexander invansion of India took place in 326 B.C. During the reign of Dhanananda.
The Mauryan Empire(322-185 B.C.)
* Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of this dynasty.
* Chandragupta Maurya defeated the king Dhanananda with the help of Chanakya.
* Its Capital was Pataliputra.
* Ashok Stambh of Sarnath was adopted as national emblem of India.
* The Plalace of Chandragupta was made of wood Bindusara.
These are some important Dynasties in Ancient India.
These are some important Dynasties in Ancient India.
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